Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Taking it day by day, track by track

Cooking. Doing laundry. Riding the subway. Out of boredom, I perform these routines to a soundtrack via iPod or some other device. The idea here at SoundTracking _ is to dump the accumulated mental residue from performing mundane errands to the tune of whatever I'm listening to at the moment. This will hopefully make life more interesting and lend a new excitement to simple, everyday existence.

Interweaving record reviews with seemingly boring tasks might not be the most original idea ever, but it does breathe new life into one of the most subjective types of journalism: writing about music. Anyway, I needed an outlet for my unemployment-fueled, take no prisoners honesty, so here ya go. Brothers and sisters! Unite for yet another literary journey into the synaptic forefront of yours truly.

PS: I’ll be tossing in random show reviews as well … enjoy!


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